
Patronage is a value to be passed on to young people to create a bond with the culture of the country they have the chance to experience.
Maria Teresa Venturini FendiPRESIDENTE MECENATI

Support the Festival of the Two Worlds

Let’s make space for the future together!
For over 60 years, the Festival of the Two Worlds has put the spotlight on Spoleto’s extraordinary cultural heritage through performing arts, where classical tradition and contemporary innovation interact in an exciting dialogue

All this is also possible thanks to the Patrons’ philanthropic spirit. Every year, we reach several common goals together: to stage exceptional repertoire, create innovative productions with some of the greatest artists on the international scene, give space to new generations of talents and attract an ever wider audience.



Live the Festival first hand
If you love the Festival and want to help spread the word in Italy and abroad, become a Patron: your support is crucial.
Over the past ten years, over 150 Patrons have supported the Spoleto Festival of the Two Worlds

As a Patron, you will have access to many exclusive benefits:
✧  Dedicated staff for booking service and right of first refusal on all shows
✧  Meetings with the protagonists of the Festival
✧  Invitation to the national press conference
✧  Exclusive opportunities to take part in the Festival’s artistic activities throughout the year
✧  Free and discounted tickets
✧  Visibility on publicity materials and the website

Choose from one of the following categories and discover your exclusive advantages

For each category, membership fees have a one-year duration and must be paid at least one month following the start of the event.



* Please confirm attendance no later than one week before the date of the show through the dedicated booking service for Patrons of the Festival.

** Please confirm attendance no later than two days following the date of the dress rehearsal.

*** Except for the opening and final concerts and hosted events.

Get 65% of your donation back in three years thanks to Art Bonus

Art Bonus is a tax benefit that allows you to retrieve 65% of donations in support of culture and entertainment as a tax credit.

The 65% tax credit is split into three annual installments of the same amount and must be used in accordance with the ordinary rules. The first installment is deducted from your tax declaration in the year following that of the donation.

The donation is retrieved up to a maximum of 15% of the taxable income for individuals.

Art Bonus is a unique tax benefit in Italy reserved solely for donations supporting culture.

Become a Patron

Choose a payment method:

Bank transfer 1
Account name:
Intesa San Paolo S.p.A.
Filiale Terzo Settore Umbria
Via XX Settembre 70 – A, 06121 Perugia

Bank transfer 2
Account name:
Banco di Desio e della Brianza S.p.A.
Piazza Pianciani 1, 06049 Spoleto (PG)

Bank cheque


To take advantage of these exclusive benefits and receive information on Art Bonus, please contact the Dedicated Line: + 39 347 2794472
or write to:

Patrons 2023

Eugenio e Anna Maria Benedetti Gaglio
Carol LeWitt
Veronique Bernardini per Technology

Antonino Buratti
Flaminia Cerasi
Annette Pickford Ettorre
Ivano Proietti
Enrico Ricci
Paola Saracino

Camillo Corsetti Antonini
Pier Francesco e Patrizia Del Conte
Lions Club Spoleto
Gennaro Matacena
Clelia Piperno
Rotary Club Spoleto
Matteo Scaramella

Diamante e Carla Bececco
Francesco Musumeci e Eleonora Inguaggiato
Michela Ceccarelli e Alessio Musco

Patrons Roll of Honour

Maria Teresa Venturini Fendi

Luigi Abete e Desirée Colapietro Petrini
Tommaso e Anna Addario
Giovanni Aldobrandini
Guido Carlo Alleva
Joelle Paulette Almagià
Luciano Arcangeli e Donatello Cecchini
Rosellina Archinto Editore
Francesco Bachetoni Rossi Vaccari e Claudia Spadazzi
Fabiana Balestra
Leopoldo Balestra di Mottola
B.B. Energy Trading Ltd.,
Gabriella Bassante
Diamante e Carla Bececco
Eugenio e Anna Maria Benedetti Gaglio
Maria Benelli
Veronique Bernardini per Technoilogy
Maurizio e Rosaria Bertone
Georgina Brandolini d’Adda
Eleonora Brown
Pino Brusone
Antonino Buratti
Francesca Calissoni
Paola Campilli De Angelis
Ottavio e Rita Capuani
Roberto Caristia
Sandra Carraro
Francesca Catone Matturri
Michela Ceccarelli e Alessio Musco
Claudio ed Elena Cerasi
Flaminia Cerasi
Luca Cerasi e Federica Tittarelli
Francesco Cerza per Etrusca srl
Umberto Chiarappa
Luigi Chiariello
Benedetta Cicogna
Nori Corbucci
Camillo Corsetti Antonini
Esther Crimi
Sergio e Claudia Cucci
Gianluca Curti
per Minerva Pictures Group
Noemia d’Amico
Paolo d’Amico
Steve e Gloria Dalton
Angela De Filippis Solari
Aurelio e Jaqueline De Laurentiis
Cristina De Luca
Pier Francesco e Patrizia Del Conte
Daniele Di Bella
Erminia Di Biase
Dolores di Campello
Vittorio e Paola Donato
Enzo e Chicca Donnamaria
Maria Durini
Toni Facella Sensi della Penna
ed Enrico Oriani
Gabriella Farinon
Corrado Fascendini per Media X srl
Elisabetta Federico
Franca Fendi
Emma Erika Fodrè
Anna Fendi Venturini
Fondazione Carla Fendi
Giovanni Fontana
Federica Formilli Fendi
Simona Formilli Fendi
Jacopo e Laura Franzan
Maria Luisa Gaetani d’Aragona
Carlo Galdo
Giacinta Geisser Celesia

Isabella Gherardi Petravia e Giovanni Sartori
Luigi Giuliani
Marino Golinelli e Paola Pavirani Golinelli
Maurizia Graziosi
Massimo Gulisano
Nicola Iemma
Lorenza Jona Celesia
Francesca Leone
Gianni e Maddalena Letta
Carol LeWitt
Lions Club Spoleto
Alessandro Luciano
Valter e Paola Mainetti
Giulio e Carla Vittoria Maira
Simona Marchini
The Marignoli di Montecorona Foundation
Antonio e Valeria Martusciello
Domenico e Alona Mascagni
Gennaro Matacena per Castello di Postignano
Isabella Meroni Parodi Delfino
Giustina Mistrello Destro
Paolo e Alessandra Montani della Fargna
Francesco Musumeci e Eleonora Inguaggiato
Alessandra Necci
Gabriela e Pietro Niccolini
Domenico Orsini e Martine Bernheim
Anastasia Paglia
Maria Camilla Pallavicini
Flavia Parnasi per Parsitalia
Carlo e Polissena Perrone
Ettore Perrone
Gigliola Perrone
Mirella Petteni Haggiag
Flavio e Chiara Piccolomini
Annette Pickford Ettorre
Paola Pierangeli Tittarelli
Doris Pignatelli
Marina Pignatelli
Clelia Piperno
Ivano Proietti
Lorenzo Pucci della Genga
Alfio Puglisi Cosentino
Giovanna Ralli
Enrico Ricci
Guido e Nicoletta Romiti
Cesare Romiti
Rotary Club Spoleto
Marchesa Giovanna Sacchetti
Paola Saracino
Matteo Scaramella per Castello di Postignano
per Castello di Postignano
Arnaldo Sciarelli per Sciarelli & Co
Massimo Serini
Valeria Sessano
Ada Spadoni Urbani
Mario e Marisa Stirpe
Studio Architettura e Ambiente,
Flavia de’ Rossi e Paule Favre
Marco Tanzilli
Matteo Tanzilli
Francesco Tatò e Sonia Raule
Dino Trappetti Per Tirelli Costumi spa
Fondazione Tirelli Trappetti
Guido e Milena Ugolini
Olga Urbani per Urbani Tartufi srl
Gloria Venturi Profili
Maria Teresa Vincenzi Mastromarino